ABOUT US About us
Company Profile
- Company name
- Union Co., Ltd.
- President
- Junzo Tateno
- Established
- December 1958
- Capital
- JPY 95 Million
- Location
[Head Office]
tel:+81-(0)6-6532-3188 fax:+81-(0)6-6533-3747 -
[Osaka Office]
tel:+81-(0)6-6532-3731 fax:+81-(0)6-6533-2293 -
[Osaka Showroom]
tel:+81-(0)6-6532-3732 fax:+81-(0)6-6533-2293 -
[Tokyo Office]
tel:+81-(0)3-3630-2811 fax:+81-(0)3-3630-2816 -
[Tokyo Showroom]
tel:+81-(0)3-6689-2980 fax:+81-(0)3-6689-2986 -
[Nagoya Office/Nagoya Showroom]
tel:+81-(0)52-363-5221 fax:+81-(0)52-363-5255 -
29/F, Tower 5, The Gateway, 15 Canton Road, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
- Business
- Manufacture and sales of various architectural amenities and components
- Main clients
- Takenaka Corp., Shimizu Corp., Kajima Corp., Obayashi Corp., Taisei Corp., LIXIL Corp., Sankyo Tateyama Inc., Sugita Ace Co.,Ltd., Sanwa Shutter Corp., YKK AP Inc., etc.
- Main banks
- Mizuho Bank,Ltd, BTMU, SMBC
- Export to
- U.S.A., China, EU, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia, Myanmar, Australia, U.A.E., Saudi Arabia, Qatar, India
- History
- 1946C.E.O. Ichiro Tateno founds TATENO ICHIRO Store under private management.
- 1958Establishes UNION Corporation as a manufacturerspecializing in doors, in the Minami-ku area of Osaka city.
- 1961Establishes the TOKYO SALES OFFICE in the Chiyoda-kuarea of Tokyo as a means of expanding business into theeastern (Kanto) region of Japan.
- 1965Establishes the NAGOYA SALES OFFICE in the Higashi-kuarea of Nagoya city as a means of expanding business intothe central (Chubu) region of Japan.
- 1968Establishes a related company, UNION DECORATIVEHARDWARE Corporation, in the Naniwa-ku area of Osaka.
- 1972Relocates the head office to the Nishi-ku area of Osakaafter a new HEAD OFFICE building is completed there.
- 1973Begins manufacturing CLOSET DOORS (and storage doors)and plans an expansion of the domestic market.
- 1973Relocates the TOKYO SALES OFFICE to the Sumida-ku areaof Tokyo.
- 1975Begins full production of aluminum-cast panels (CASTAL)with the introduction of the Process-Casting procedure.
- 1978Establishes TOKYO SHOWROOM.
- 1980Opportunity arises to expand into the foreign market;develops ties with a local company in Bangkok and opensa showroom there.
- 1986Establishes HIGASHI OSAKA DELIVERY CENTER (area: 2300square meters).
- 1987Relocates the TOKYO SALES OFFICE to a newly-constructedbuilding in the Koto-ku area of Tokyo.
- 1987Establishes the OSAKA SHOWROOM in the Nishi-ku areaof Osaka.
- 1989The new HEAD OFFICE annex is completed featuringa high-tech Conference Room and other facilities.
- 1990Junzo Tateno becomes President.
- 1991The status of the TOKYO SALES OFFICE is promoted toBRANCH OFFICE.
- 1991Construction is completed on the new NAGOYA SALESOFFICE building in the Nakagawa-ku area of Nagoya.
A Showroom is established in the building. - 1993Relocates the TOKYO SHOWROOM to the Minato-ku areaof Tokyo.
- 1993Relocates the OSAKA SHOWROOM to the premises of theHEAD OFFICE.
- 1994UNION Foundation For Ergodesign Culture founded.
- 1999Establishes a related company, ATELIER UNION CORPORATION.
- 2003Relocates the TOKYO SHOWROOM to the Chuo-ku areaof Tokyo.
- 2004Established local subsidiary in China Jiangsu Wuxi City.
- 2006Exhibited in Italy Milan Salone 2006.
- 200850th anniversary.
- 2011Relocates the UNION LOGISTICS CORPORATION to theNishi-Yodogawa-ku area of Osaka.
- 2013Relocates the TOKYO SHOWROOM to the premises of theTOKYO SALES OFFICE.
- 2013Honored with FY2013 Intellectual Property Achievement Award.
- 2019Exhibited in Italy Milan Design Week 2019.